How to run Android application then you use Maven in your project
Then i first tried use Maven in my Android projects i have some discomfort then run my applications with
mvn clean install android:deploy
and then all is successful i can see my app bringing to front of my device which i can see then run standard Android apps with Run As..–>Android Aplication in Eclipse.
This instruction will works only in Linux. If you use Windows you need to rewrite some scripts according to your OS shell script language
I find some solution of this little problem.
First you need Exec Maven Plugin existing in your pom.xml
Next create scripts dir in your project. That dir need to heve bash file with next content:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
Go to scripts dir in your terminal and make this file executable by all with
sudo chmod '777'
That all. Next you need to execute next in your terminal then located in project root dir (same level as pom.xml)
mvn clean install android:deploy; mvn exec:exec
Hope it will useful for you
Project you can download below.
Just untar and import as Existing Maven Project in your Eclipse.
1 Comment
mobile applications · 13 June, 2012 at 10:17
Nice information, many thanks to the author. It is incomprehensible to me currently, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and fine luck!